With the coming of a potentially paid Google Map key, the GMapFP evolution plan is slightly changed :

  • Early 2019: Full rewrite of free GMapFP for Joomla 4 and integration of OpenStreetMap.
  • Integration of OpenStreetMap in the free version for Joomla 3
  • Integration of OpenStreetMap in the Pro version for Joomla 3
  • End of 2019: Full rewrite of GMapFP Pro for Joomla 4

Logo Joomla 4

In order to prepare for the passage of Joomla 4, the free version is in development.

Indeed, in order to be fully compatible with Joomla 4 and optimize the code, GMapFP will be completely rewritten.

The free version of GMapFP is now also https compatible.

In this tutorial, we will see all the steps to create a Google Map key for GMapFP component.

Getting started: Access your Google key creation space.

To do this, click the shortcut in the parameters page of GMapFP.

 link to create Google key

At this stage, you are on the Google page indicating why a Google key.

You can read this information for information.

Click the "Get key" button. 

Then create your project or call an existing.

If this is not already, create a navigation key.

At this point you should have a page like:

Key Google browser

 We must now assign the correct Google API key to this.

For this, click on "Dashboard". google key dashboard

Activate finally the 5 APIs necessary for GMapFP component :

5 google api keys

Google Maps JavaScript API => Enable

Google Maps Directions API => Enable

Google Maps Geolocation API => Enable

Google Maps Geocoding API => Enable

Google Places API Web Service => Enable


Your key is now created and all necessary API attached thereto.

You do more than to apply to the value of this key in the parameters of GMapFP.

google api key entry

In the free and Pro new versions, GMapFP manage the Google key :

Google Key map
Google Key map

With the help of Joomla VEL group, the J3_41F version has undergoes many changes to strengthen its security and eliminate security vulnerabilities.

It is strongly recommended to update your version of GMapFP.

Thank you Joomla VEL group for their advice.

Suite à la découverte d'une faille de sécurité dans la version J3_39F de GMapFP, la vesrion J3_40F corrige cette faille sur dans le formulaire de soumission et la gestion des lieux en frontend.

Dans cette dernière version, il à également été ajouté la gestion ACL pour le formulaire de soumission et la gestion des lieux en frontend.


Il est vivement conseillé de mettre à jour GMapFP avec une version supérieur ou égale à la J3_40F.

A XSS vulnerability has been detected on the version J3_39F and previous.

Upload the last version and update your version for remove the vulnerability.

The last version used also the ACL to the submission form and the manage of the places in frontend.

On the GitHub, some users have had suspicion of vulnerability on GMapFP.

This is only an error on the name of a plugin that is used by GMapFP.

This error is fixed from the version V3_39F.

The new uploading version is now the V3_39F.


The display "simple list" is now responsive.
This display now also allows to display the image of the place instead of the marker in the list.

A "Travel Book" module was also born.
This module allows your customers to select places and then to re-view them and/or print them.

In the Pro version you can now customize the background of your Google map.
All the details on : GMapFP Pro : Customize your Google map background.

Today, there was a new version of Joomla GMapFP Pro 3.

All these views are now "Responsive".

Your displays adapt to the size of your monitor size.

If, despite our efforts and tests, there were flaws, do not hesitate to let us know.

GMapFP vient de sortir de nouveaux modules:

  • FRmapFP : Régions de France.
  • FDmapFP : Départements de France.

Ces modules vous permettent d'afficher une carte de France dont la taille, les couleurs et la redirection des départements ou régions sont totalement paramétrables.

Vous pouvez retrouver cette application sur :


Since the J3.13F version (version for Joomla 3), GMapFP is now compatible with the SQL servers :

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Server
Now, the all Pro versions of GMapFP have their XMap plugin.
You can download it on : http://pro.gmapfp.org/en/addons-for-gmapfp-j3-joomla-3
Acymailing has built his plugin for GMapGP : GMapFP (tag plugin) v.1.0.0

The free version is now available on Joomla 3 since few weeks.

Today, the Pro version is also available.

Discover it on : http://pro.gmapfp.org/en

Correction de quelques bogues.

Gestion des métadatas.

Fixed bugs on :

  • SEF address.
  • Displaying 'list" and map at the right.
  • Send mail at a moderator on submit.

The 9.20 version fixes 2 bugs :

1 in administration with the link to the categories manager

1 in frontend with the route printing

If you discover any bugs, please post to the forum for us will can resolve and build reliable versions.

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