Autocomplete field (address..etc) problem

  • dc03kks
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il y a 10 ans 9 mois - il y a 10 ans 9 mois #2862 par dc03kks
Autocomplete field (address..etc) problem a été créé par dc03kks
Hi all,
i have created a custom form to post an action were i have only fields like
1. autocomplete address
2. custom field drop down
3. custom field drop down

my problem is that in the table _gmapfp no data concerning the autocomplete field are getting in,, only the coordinates.... how can i insert the data from autocomplete field to table _gmapfp to respective field adresse (which is disabled cause we
want only the autocomplete cause is really cool with the google api v3) and then show on the buble on click of the place the info of the autocomplete address... ??

Another issue also if you enable the publication and post an action and go again to edit it the publication end is not showning even if u have set it up before in the first place,, in the table gmafp this is getting ok but not showing...

please some help i m trying for hours to solve this with no luck

thank you
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Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 9 mois par dc03kks.

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il y a 10 ans 9 mois #2863 par gmapfp

There are several solutions for update the address. But the user must also check if it's good.
If you want that the Autocomplete address function update the fields city, zip code, ..., you must show this fields.

Publish down field : It's a bug.
I will make an update.

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