Problem with maps falling back to basic map depicting Orleans as the centre

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il y a 2 mois 4 semaines #5399 par moosmood
Hi, after a little struggle migrating to Joomla4, I have got things working as they should. So, I thought.
Unfortunately, the maps I show on my site only show the intended map for a short while. A soon as the page is refreshed the map shows your basic map depicting your home town near Orleans in the centre. As soon as I clear the cache on my site or open and save the respective article where I show the map, the intended map I created appears again.
And another thing that I experience is , I suppose is related to the same issue, is that I use three maps, one with category "x", one with category "y", and one with category "x" and "y" together. I use them in three different articles (pages). And not ever all three maps show my items during the same refreshed web viewing. Only two maps with categories show, one is always empty (no items depicted). And the empty one could be either one of the three.
Could this have something to do with the plugin order of GMAPFP?
And why is the map with your home town the fall back option , even when I unpublished the category ' uncategorised' en unpublished the item (your map) that came with downloading the extension.
I have put in my ESRI key-code , as well as my Google api-code. And use ESRI for geocoding (finding the map spot by address (because Google geocoding is not working). For maps I use the Google option.

Hope you can help me with this problem

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il y a 1 mois 3 jours #5403 par moosmood
Unfortunately I haven't seen any reponse to the issue I reported almost two months ago. I have been looking at the issue myself now and again. Beware I am not an expert, just a simple user. Nonetheless, I believe I now know what causes the issue. It is the caching of my site. I do not know how to turn off caching of specific extensions and pages, so I stopped caching of my site altogether. And now the problem seem to be resolved.  It is not a real solution of course, because caching as such must be possible to turn on an speed up opening of pages. 
Perhaps with this information you could tell me if GMapFP causes the issue itself or could it be something else being the culprit?

Thanks in advance for any response

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