How Ro Add Other Contacts or Content

  • compwiz201
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il y a 10 ans 11 mois #2431 par compwiz201
How Ro Add Other Contacts or Content a été créé par compwiz201
I am wanting to add more content to the contact page other than what is there now but I don not see a way to do that. is there a way to simply put contnet above or below the address?

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il y a 10 ans 11 mois #2437 par gmapfp
Réponse de gmapfp sur le sujet How Ro Add Other Contacts or Content

You have the field "message".

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  • compwiz201
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il y a 10 ans 11 mois #2443 par compwiz201
Réponse de compwiz201 sur le sujet How Ro Add Other Contacts or Content
I do not see a message field. Where would I find that? Maybe there is a newer version? I'm running Component ContactMap 3.7...

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il y a 10 ans 11 mois #2446 par gmapfp
Réponse de gmapfp sur le sujet How Ro Add Other Contacts or Content

The last version for Joomla 1.5 is the 3.17.

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