K2 and contact map

  • snoopek
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il y a 12 ans 3 mois #656 par snoopek
K2 and contact map a été créé par snoopek

I was wondering if ContactMap can be used with K2 for joomla? If so how?
Thanks in advance.

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il y a 12 ans 3 mois #659 par gmapfp
Réponse de gmapfp sur le sujet Re: K2 and contact map

Have you look at GMapFP Pro version ?

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  • snoopek
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il y a 12 ans 3 mois #665 par snoopek
Réponse de snoopek sur le sujet Re: K2 and contact map
Yes i did. However it doesn't say anywhere about compatibility with K2. Documentation is in French, I don't speak it. Are you sure it works with it?

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il y a 12 ans 3 mois #667 par gmapfp
Réponse de gmapfp sur le sujet Re: K2 and contact map

It isn't compatible with K2.
But the Pro version of GMapFP can substitute K2.

Can you describe your application with K2 ?

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