Upgrade from free to pro version

  • Rampazzo
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il y a 12 ans 5 mois #247 par Rampazzo
Upgrade from free to pro version a été créé par Rampazzo
I've installed GmapFp Free Version to a client of mine website to test this solution. Now we decided to use it and we want to delete the link in the bottom so we want to buy the pro version. What I'll have to do to upgrade it without loosing my personalization of the free version?

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il y a 12 ans 5 mois #250 par gmapfp
Réponse de gmapfp sur le sujet Re: Upgrade from free to pro version
Normaly, you don't lose anything.

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  • Rampazzo
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il y a 12 ans 5 mois #267 par Rampazzo
Réponse de Rampazzo sur le sujet Re: Upgrade from free to pro version
I've opened this post on your forum to ask you if updating to the pro version will change my settings and you say that there is no problem. Now I upgraded it and all my settings are wrong, I dont see the contacts and the map settings have changed, I've lost the language and the layout was wrong. I've spend 39 euros in order to delete the link below the page and it is in the bottom and on the map. What I'll have to do?
I've no words,

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il y a 12 ans 5 mois #269 par Rampazzo
Réponse de Rampazzo sur le sujet Re: Upgrade from free to pro version
Moreover the component does't show no more email address telephone and fax informations even if the forms in the backend are correctly filled. Please answer me because is a critical situation.

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il y a 12 ans 5 mois #270 par gmapfp
Réponse de gmapfp sur le sujet Re: Upgrade from free to pro version

All is in the parameters.

For the language, have you used a translation file or have you hack the english translation file ?

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  • Rampazzo
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il y a 12 ans 5 mois #276 par Rampazzo
Réponse de Rampazzo sur le sujet Re: Upgrade from free to pro version
I'll solved some problems hacking the code and the others have been solved by your technical support that has made a good job. Sorry but i can't understand why in order to remove a link to your website in the bottom of the article I've to work one day. A pro version has to solve the problems instead of create them. Not satisfied.
Thanks for your support

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